Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Proxy War

The most concerning emerging dynamic between Hamastan and Fatah-stine would be another front in the Iran-US proxy war currently raging across Iraq and Afghanistan. with the United States and the E.U. supporting Abbas in the West Bank and Iran propping up Hamas in Gaza.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, a PLO official, issued this statement:

"Iran helped Hamas to lead a military coup against the legitimate Palestinian leadership and to control the Gaza Strip. Iran supports those hostile powers in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories in order to serve its regional interests on the expense of the peoples and nations of the region."
The accuracy of this statement aside (though there seems to be no particular reason to disbelieve it...Iran has openly expressed admiration and praise for Hamas), this trope, 'Hamas=Iran', provides more fodder for Iran hardliners in the administration to push for a 'West Bank First' strategy that would "strengthen radical forces, debilitate Palestinian institutions, undermine faith in democracy, weaken Abbas and set back the peace process."

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