Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pedophelia Defense

What do Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the Chinese Communist Party (hereafter referred to as the CCP) have in common? Why, their bizarre defense of dubiously moral actions on the grounds of protecting children from predators and porn.

Here's Alberto Gonzales on why he'll stick with his job, despite being a torture-loving, Bush fellating partisan hack:

On 3/22/07: "I’m not going to resign. I’m going to stay focused on protecting our kids."

On 6/11/07: "You know, I’m focused on protecting our kids....I think that’s what the American people expect the attorney general of the United States, is to be focused on making sure our country is safe from terrorism, making sure our kids are safe from predators, making sure that the public trust is being upheld."
Meanwhile, across the Pacific, the CCP's partisan hacks are justifying widespread internet monitoring and censorship with their own brand of opportunistic child protecting. From Zhang Xinfeng, vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security, unveiling a new censorship initiative:

On 4/12/07: "The boom of pornographic content on the Internet has contaminated cyberspace and perverted China's young minds."

Geeky response: Social control and power relations legitimized by appeals to our deep-seeded discomfort with, and ambivalence towards, child sexuality.

Cheeky response:
A bastard is a bastard all over the world. And boy do those bastards love their jobs.

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