Thursday, August 16, 2007

That Idea Again

A follow up to a previous post, AEI's magazine comes out in favor of a carbon tax pegged to global temperature, Economist Ross McKitrick's way of "calling every one's bluff at once."

AEI finds it necessary to pair it with a smarmy muddy-the-water denial of climate science: is even possible—according to some scientists—that we might experience global cooling, in which case we could end up subsidizing carbon emissions. These two scenarios—and all of the scenarios in between—highlight the uncertainty in our climate future.

But maybe that's the point: this will encourage global warming deniers (now ranking among homophobes and racists in the liberal pantheon of pariahs) get behind a carbon tax, the least politically feasible but most effective method of curbing emissions. Of course, this assumes that their objections are legitimate, and not just paid hackery from the oil industry. If they're hacks, they'll find away to object to this too.

AEI's level of hackery in this area is almost embarrassing.

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